JavaScript ES6 Condensed: Part 0/3 - Running ES6 On The Front-end and Back-end

ES6 Condensed Series

Short note on how I write

I don’t like to read superfluous text when learning (including this section). I assume you don’t too.

I try to be succinct so that this can be used as a quick reference guide. This might mean you might sometimes need a more detailed explanation of concepts I’ve discussed.

If so, I highly recommend reading up documentation (MDN especially) or watching the included videos to help deepen your understanding of the concepts you learn here.

Let’s Learn ES6 In 3 Hours.

This series attempts to condense everything you’ll cover from these amazing YouTube courses (as well some other resources) into easily digestible posts:

Nodecasts’ “Javascript ES6” YouTube series

Ryan Christiani’s “Let’s Learn ES6” YouTube series

If you do find Ryan’s videos helpful like I did, take a look at Ryan’s upcoming book “Let’s Learn ES6”.

A. Execute ES6 files in bash (babel-cli)

If you have a .js file written in ES6, you can run it by installing babel.

npm i -g babel-cli
babel-node test.js

B. Front-end transpiler (gulp + babelify)

If you have a front-end project using an ES6 .js file, use gulp and babelify to transpile ES6 into a browser-friendly ES5 file.

npm i -g gulp
npm init
npm i --D gulp babelify browserify vinyl-source-stream vinyl-buffer
npm i --S babel-preset-es2015
mkdir build
mkdir src
touch .gitignore
touch app.js
touch gulpfile.js
subl .

In gulpfile.js:

const gulp = require("gulp")
const babelify = require("babelify")
const browserify = require("browserify") // Works with babelify
const source = require ("vinyl-source-stream") // Use conventional text streams at the start of your gulp or vinyl pipelines
const buffer = require ("vinyl-buffer") // Convert streaming vinyl files to use buffers

gulp.task("es6", () => {
    .transform("babelify", {
      presets: ["es2015"]

gulp.task("default", ["es6"], () => {"src/app.js", ["es6"])

In .gitignore:


Creating modules

In /src create myModule.js:

export default function(text) { // default export (there can only be 1)
  console.log(`This is your text: ${text}`)

In /src create mathModule.js:

export function add(a,b) { // named export
  return a+b

// export const subtract = function(a,b) { return a-b } // Remember can make function a constant
export const subtract = (a,b) => { // Shortened arrow function
  return a-b

export default function(a,b) {
  return a*b

Importing and using modules

For single-function modules. In app.js:

import theMod from "./myModule" // You can ommit myModule.js because it knows it's a js file
theMod('burgers') // In dev tools: "This is your text: burgers"

Importing multiple-function modules.

// OPTION 1:
// import { add, subtract } from "./mathModule" // If you don't have a default
import multiply, { add, subtract } from "./mathModule" // If you have a default, name it here.

let addNums =  add(6,2) // ::8
let subtractNums =  subtract(6,2) // ::4
let multNums = multiply(6,2) // :: 12

// OPTION 2:
import * as mathMod from "./mathModule"

let addNums =  mathMod.add(6,2)
let subtractNums =  mathMod.subtract(6,2)
let multNums = mathMod(6,2)

C. Back-end (node.js)

As per Creationix’s node version manager Github instructions, install the script:

curl -o- | bash
nvm i node
node --v8-options | grep "harmony" # View ES6 options
node --harmony_destructuring app.js # E.g. Using ES6 destructuring option when executing file